Program - Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Each full research paper gets 15min for the presentation and 15min of Q&A. Each short paper gets 10min for the presentation and 10min of Q&A. All times are Melbourne, Australia local time.

21:00 - 21:50First Session
21:00Welcome from the Organizers
21:10First Paper Session
Paper #4 ◈ Pauline von Olberg and Lukas Strey
Approach to Generating Functional Test Cases from BPMN Process Diagrams
(10/10min for presentation/Q&A)
   presenter: Lukas Strey
   first discussant: Yinling Liu
   second discussant: Julio Cesar Leite
Paper #3 ◈ Yinling Liu and Jean-Michel Bruel
Modeling of Natural Language Requirements based on States and Modes
(10/10min for presentation/Q&A)
   presenter: Yinling Liu
   first discussant: Sepehr Sharifi
   second discussant: Lukas Strey
21:50 - 22:30Coffee Break
22:30 - 23:40Second Session
22:30Second Paper Session
Paper #2 ◈ Antonio de Padua A. Oliveira, Julio Cesar Leite, and Luiz Marcio Cysneiros
Goal Elicitation Heuristics Anchored on a Category Frame
(10/10min for presentation/Q&A)
   presenter: Julio Cesar Leite
   first discussant: Sanaa Alwidian
   second discussant: Yinling Liu
Paper #5 ◈ Sanaa Alwidian
Towards Integrating Human-Centric Characteristics into the Goal-Oriented Requirements Language
(10/10min for presentation/Q&A)
   presenter: Sanaa Alwidian
   first discussant: Julio Cesar Leite
   second discussant: Sepehr Sharifi
Paper #1 ◈ Sepehr Sharifi, Daniel Amyot, John Mylopoulos, Patrick McLaughlin, and Ray Feodoroff
Towards Improved Certification of Complex FinTech Systems - A Requirements-based Approach
(15/15min for presentation/Q&A)
   presenter: Sepehr Sharifi
   first discussant: Lukas Strey
   second discussant: Sanaa Alwidian
23:40 - 00:30Coffee Break
00:30 - 01:40Third Session
01:30Farewell from the Organizers